Films of the 1930’s

We'll be continuing film discussions with Tom Nichols.  Say hello to the 1930's with a spotlight on William Powell and Myrna Loy in The Thin Man.

Aspiring Chefs

Aspiring Chefs are making fairy snacks Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. April 8th.   The magic of these fairy snacks is in how simple they are to make!  Try these out for your next playdate and share the magic!

Maker Monday

Maker Monday will have an April showers theme this week.  Take the rainy weather this month is famous for generating and create a beautiful work of art with watercolor paints!  Pick-up your kit on Monday, April 12th from 2 p.m.-5

Tales with Tails

I can't believe we are creating a volcano at the library with our Tales with Tails theater group!  This is going to be so much fun!  Keep in mind if you are not all about seeking the spotlight, but would

Girls Who Code

Explore some STEM activities with our Girls Who Code group on Wednesday, April 14th at 4 p.m.


Earth Day In person and Facebook Earth! My First 4.5 Billion Years is our book this week

Aspiring Chefs

Enjoy the fruits of the earth in a waffle cone.  Honor Mother Earth with a waste-free snack.