How Many Snowballs?

For the bi-weekly program this time around, stop by the Dundee Library to guess how many snowballs are in a jar! Leave your guess and the person that guesses close to the number of snowballs will win a prize. This


– You know what the best Christmas food is? Peanuts. They’re one of the best snacks in the world. We should all be grateful for them. Unless, of course, you’re allergic. Then you can’t be grateful for them. In which

Craft Storytime

Whether you’re a cat or dog person, we can all agree that animals over the holidays are crucial to survival. They keep your heart warm, at least. The Dundee Library has just the thing for you! Although they have fish,

Unplugged Friday

The Dundee Library is rewinding the clock and making it 1962 once again. A lovely time before cell phones and other modern distractions. On Friday, December 13 at 3 p.m. join the youth librarians by leaving your phones at the

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group

Do you or someone you know provide care for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease? On Tuesday, December 17 at 4 p.m. in the Dundee Library Tripp Community Room, there will be a caregiver support group meeting. It is open


Christmas is coming soon. Can you believe that? We are counting down the days. If you need a break from the hectic holidays, the Dundee Library will be offering a story time for you! On Wednesday, December 18 at 11 a.m.,

Craft Storytime

Who doesn’t love reindeer? They’re the best guys ever. They are fluffy, and warm, and cute, and a bunch of other things. Not to mention they pull a very famous sleigh. Join the Dundee Library while they read “Dasher: How