Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support–Cancelled Library Closed

Do you or someone you know provide care for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease? On Tuesday, January 28 at 4 p.m. in the Dundee Library Tripp Community Room, there will be a caregiver support group meeting. It is open

Storytime Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year! To celebrate the year of the snake, the Dundee Library is having a wonderful story time. On Wednesday, January 29 at 11 a.m., they will be reading “It’s Chinese New Year, Curious George!” by H.A. Rey.

Craft Storytime

It’s the year of the snake. Do you know what that means? A snake is going to change your life forever. Well, maybe not. That’s a big exaggeration. The characters in Dundee Library’s story time book sure change when they

Unplugged Friday

Friday January 31st - The Dundee Library is going back in time. A lovely time before cell phones and other modern distractions. On Friday, January 31 at 3 p.m. join the youth librarians by hopping in their time machine! There

Create a Valentine

Don’t you just love the month of love? The Dundee Library does! Join them during their bi-weekly program to create handmade valentines to give to your loved ones. Everyone loves getting something handmade. It lets them know they’re special enough


February is the dedicated month of love. There’s a bunch of history behind this lovely little holiday, but we’re not going to bore you with the details. Where’s the fun in that? It’s the month of love! Don’t you want

Craft Storytime–Cancelled–Library Closed

There are too many rules. There are not enough rules. What are the rules? Do we have any rules? There are rules for Groundhog Day. Rules that include shadows and the sunshine. At the time of writing, we don’t know

Unplugged Friday

The Dundee Library is going back in time. A lovely time before cell phones and other modern distractions. On Friday, February 7 at 3 p.m. join the youth librarians by hopping in their time machine! There are tons of board


We would do anything for our friends. Isn’t that, right? We love them. Sometimes even more than life itself. It’s funny how that works. Not only do we, as humans, have this instinct, but animals do as well. At least,