Unplugged Friday

On Friday, January 10 at 3 p.m. join the youth librarians by hopping in their time machine! There are tons of board games to choose from to occupy your time at the library. You can play against your friends, family,


Have you ever gotten a new pet and not known how to take care of it? That’s okay! It’s a learning experience. Sometimes it takes a little while to get the hang of taking care of something that isn’t you.

Craft Storytime

The Dundee Library believes in fairytale creatures. How couldn’t they? Dragons, fairies, vampires, werewolves, selkies, centaurs, wizards and witches, etc. It’s all within the pages of wonderful stories. The biggest question is whether a Snow Dragon is real. What do

Unplugged Friday

On Friday, January 17 at 3 p.m. join the youth librarians by hopping in their time machine! There are tons of board games to choose from to occupy your time at the library. You can play against your friends, family,

Lunar New Year Fortune Card

Stop by anytime between Monday, January 20 and Saturday, January 31 to pick up a Chinese fortune card! It is the Lunar New Year, after all. This is the year of the snake. Find out what your fortune will be!


Pinecones are cool, right? You can do lots of things with them. They can even be sentient beings! The Dundee Library, for example, would love to have a pinecone as a friend. Who wouldn’t? Pinecones are the best. If you

Craft Storytime

We all know someone that is a little more outgoing than we may appreciate. They wear loud clothing and speak in the same tone. However, we love them with all our heart. You can’t imagine them any other way. It’s

Yates County Public Health Cancer Prevention

Everyone loves to share their opinions. Don’t you? We all have our own; it’s what makes us different from each other. Besides our DNA, of course. I won’t give you a science lesson about that… If you are looking to

Unplugged Friday

The Dundee Library is going back in time. A lovely time before cell phones and other modern distractions. On Friday, January 24 at 3 p.m. join the youth librarians by hopping in their time machine! There are tons of board