The local history collection is limited by space. Materials focus on the communities within the Dundee Central School in Yates County. Many of our materials are from the Womans Study Club who founded the Library in 1908. There are other resources on the Finger Lakes, New York state and other communities in the circulating and reference collections (see STARCat). The local newspapers are available on-line and are not at the Library. Microfilm is available from the New York State Library. A microfiche reader is available to use at the Yates County History Center in Penn Yan. Please use the online resources available. Library staff do not conduct research. During regular library hours staff will assist in searches as time permits.
Dundee Area Historical Society https://www.dundeeareahistory.com/
Yates County History Center http://www.yatespast.org/index.html
Yates County Historian https://www.yatescounty.org/421/Historian
New York State Historic Newspapers online https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/es/
New York State Newspapers on microfilm https://www.nysl.nysed.gov/nysnp/
We will add resources to this page as we search through the Womans Study Club materials.
History of the Dundee Library http://dundeelib.org/about-us-3/