
I feel like summer has truly arrived when I have seen my first firefly of the season. These tiny creatures use bioluminescence, a chemical reaction producing light, to communicate amongst themselves and to other creatures (remember, I don’t taste very

Yates County Cornell Cooperative Extension

We also have a special treat for our community with a Creepy, Crawlies In Your Garden workshop given by Caroline Boutard-Hunt from Yates County Cornell Cooperative Extension.  This program is geared towards children, but children of all ages are welcome


Story Time: Father’s Day Wednesday June 15th @ 10:30am  Celebrate Dad!  Join us for the books My Dad Thinks He’s Funny Katrina Germain & Daddies Are Awesome by Meredith Costain.

Ancestors in Peace and Pieces

On June 16th at 7 p.m. the Dundee Library will be hosting Derek Maxfield for another Civil War Talk entitled, “Ancestors in Peace and in Pieces.”  It is about his six great-grandfathers who served in the Civil War – all Union.

Board Meeting

Tripp Community Room.  Open to the public

Aspiring Chefs

Aspiring Chefs: Fairy Frappe   Tuesday June 21st @ 4pm Embrace the whimsy of Summer Solstice and create a fairy frappe to toast the beginning of Summer!