Maker Monday

Maker Monday Monday, October 11th Pickup from 2pm-5pm Make your Monday great with our Maker Monday kits.  October’s  treasure chest is located next to the indoor book drop and will include swirly ghosts, monster mittens, Halloween cards, and clothespin bats.

Boo Creative!

Boo Creative!  Tuesday, October 12th @ 3:00 pm One of our young patrons came up with most of the activities being offered in this series which include a Halloween themed lego build, Oobleck, Blobby stress ball, and Halloween balloon animals.

VFW Scholarship Activities

VFW Scholarship Opportunities:  Voices of Democracy Grades 6-8 & The Patriots Pen Grades 9-12 Wednesday, October 13th @ 2pm   This year's theme for Voices of Democracy is “America:Where Do We Go From Here?” and the theme for The Patriots Pen


Story Time: The Swamp of Shapes Thursday, October 14th @ 10:30am Explore the swamp of shapes with us during this exciting story time!  Can you name all of the shapes found in the swamp and count all of their sides?

Aspiring Chefs

Aspiring Chefs: Ghostly Popcorn Balls Friday, October 15th @ 3pm Try this simplified version of popcorn balls using marshmallows. Then decorate the top with your own spooky marshmallow ghost!

Funtober Fest

The Dundee Library at Funtober Fest  Saturday, October 16th @ 10am Millard Park, Spring Street Dundee, NY 14387 Stop by our booth at the Funtober Fest for a free children's book while supplies last.  Enter our drawing for adults to

Embellished Jeans with Sue Knapp

Embellished Jeans with Sue Knapp For Kids!  Saturday, October 16th  @ 1pm Add some accent stitches to an old pair of jeans while perfecting your embroidery skills!  Please make sure the jeans you embellish are not the pair you are