Yates County Cornell Cooperative Extension

We also have a special treat for our community with a Creepy, Crawlies In Your Garden workshop given by Caroline Boutard-Hunt from Yates County Cornell Cooperative Extension.  This program is geared towards children, but children of all ages are welcome


Story Time: Father’s Day Wednesday June 15th @ 10:30am  Celebrate Dad!  Join us for the books My Dad Thinks He’s Funny Katrina Germain & Daddies Are Awesome by Meredith Costain.

Ancestors in Peace and Pieces

On June 16th at 7 p.m. the Dundee Library will be hosting Derek Maxfield for another Civil War Talk entitled, “Ancestors in Peace and in Pieces.”  It is about his six great-grandfathers who served in the Civil War – all Union.

Board Meeting

Tripp Community Room.  Open to the public

Aspiring Chefs

Aspiring Chefs: Fairy Frappe   Tuesday June 21st @ 4pm Embrace the whimsy of Summer Solstice and create a fairy frappe to toast the beginning of Summer!


Story Time: Fairies Wednesday, June 22nd @ 10:30am Kick-off Summer with us with Backyard Fairies by Phoebe Wahl and go on your fairy adventure in the gardens of the Dundee Library.

Gale OneFile: News

Gale OneFile: News provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. In this webinar, we'll