10 events found.
Tripp Community Room booked
Jim Cook
Tripp Community Room booked
Story Time: Winter Solstice Thursday, December 16th @ 10:30am Celebrate the changing of the seasons with Snow Ponies by Cynthia Cotten & Rabbit's Snow Dance by James & Joseph Bruschac. Create with shivery snow paint following story tim
Tripp Community Room booked
Tripp Community Room booked
In Stitches
n Stitches Friday, December 17th @ 2pm Join our needlework circle and work on your latest project. Hooks and needles of all kinds are welcome! Pick up tips and tricks from fellow needle crafters. I will be working on a
Polar Express Movie
Polar Express Movie Friday, December 17th @ 3pm Come have a cup of hot cocoa, participate in polar express activities and watch this classic holiday movie with us!