Craft Storytime

Have you heard the rumor that March is going to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? The Dundee Library is taking that rumor and running with it. On Monday, Mar. 4 at 3 p.m. the


Some people are short. Some people are tall. What would the world be like if your height truly mattered? On Wednesday, Mar. 6 at 11 a.m. the Dundee Library will be reading “The Teeny-Weeny Unicorn” by Shawn Harris. This book

Friday Movietime

One of the best spring movies to watch is The Secret of Nymph. It’s fun, suspenseful, and contains sunshine. The Dundee Library will be sharing a viewing of this movie on Friday, Mar. 8 at 3 p.m. in the Tripp

Craft Storytime

This year’s Iditarod starts on Mar. 3! Can you imagine braving the frigid wilderness with your best friends? It cannot be easy to make that trek through the wilderness. In honor of this yearly tradition, the Dundee Library will be


The rainforest sounds like a good climate right now. Warmth, nice temperatures, and no cold. To cure our mid-winter blues, the Dundee Library will be reading “Leap Frog” by Jane Clarke on Wednesday, Mar. 13 at 11 a.m. in the

Unplugged Friday

There’s something new happening at the Dundee Library. They’re rewinding the clock and making it 1962 once again. A lovely time before cell phones and other modern distractions. On Friday, Mar. 14 at 3 p.m. join the youth librarians by