10 events found.
Historic Marker unveiling
Join us for the unveiling of the historic marker celebrating the Womans Study Club. The club formed in 1903 and started the Library in 1908. The marker was funded by the Pomeroy Foundation.
Tripp Community Room booked
Big Library Read
Tastes Like War will be available for simultaneous use in ebook and audiobook formats between May 3-17. Part food memoir, part sociological investigation it is a text about a daughter's search for the roots of her mother's schizophrenia. Find it
Tripp Community Room booked
Fun Friday
Come see Lyle Lyle Crocodile and celebrate Cinco de Mayo
Maker Monday
Rccycled Paper Seed Bombs
Tripp Community Room booked
Dollars for Scholars
T Rex and the Mother's Day Hug
Tripp Community Room booked
Dundee Fresh